Computational Complexity Foundation

The Computational Complexity Foundation (CCF) aims to foster research and education in computational complexity theory. Its main activity is the organization of an annual conference, the Computational Complexity Conference (CCC). In addition, the Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) runs under the auspices of CCF.

The Foundation is established as a non-profit corporation under New Jersey law, and has tax-exempt status as a public charity under the US Internal Revenue Code.

Proceedings of the Business Meetings

Minutes of the Board Meetings

Organizing Documents

  • Certificate of Incorporation: original filing and addendum.

    The Certificate of Incorporation is the charter of the Foundation, and establishes it as a non-profit corporation under New Jersey law. It specifies the scope of the Foundation as follows:

    The specific purpose of the corporation is to advance research and education in the subject within computer science and mathematics known as computational complexity theory, including through organizing, supporting, and operating scholarly seminars and conferences, and providing open access to publications.

    Other than that, the Certificate of Incorporation contains specific language for the Foundation to qualify for tax-exempt status under the section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code.

  • Bylaws

    The bylaws are the rules that govern the functioning of the Foundation. Everyone taking part in the governance of the Foundation ought to read them.

  • Policies and Procedures

    These are more detailed guidelines for the operation of the Foundation, structured according to the Bylaws.

  • Agreements

Fiscal Documents


The membership of the Foundation comprises of participants in CCC and others who pay a fee, as described in the bylaws. Members are eligible to vote in the elections held for some Trustees on the Board, and are requested to keep their email address updated with the Secretary of the Foundation in order to participate.